
A collaboration between Adrianne Semmens and Jennifer Eadie.

Unravel is a multi-disciplinary work-in-development, exploring identity and connection to place that is enabled through embodied movement and text. The project explores what it means to acknowledge a sense of disconnection-connection to place, delving into memories, agitations and the calling for deeper connections to ancestral country.

The work builds upon an initial text created together, Leave Only Your Footprints- one of 5 texts commissioned by Delving into Dance in partnership with Critical Path as part of the Digital Interchange Festival 2019/20.

For full text:

-       https://www.delvingintodance.com/dwords/leave-only-your-footprints

-       https://interchange.criticalpath.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Leave-only-your-footprints-JEadie-ASemmens.pdf

future developments

The current development is supported by The Mill through their Spotlight Residency Program, with a work-in-development showing to be announced in 2021.




Dance Epidemic